Friday, October 10, 2008

Political Babble

Am I the only one who's sick of hearing all these ridiculous numbers from the candidates? 300 billion in new taxes! 800 Billion in new spending!
5 million jobs! 18 billion in pork spending!
Who could possibly understand or even care anymore about all these numbers? They are all wishful fantasies or outright lies--- Abstract numbers that reflect nothing of reality and are merely spouted to the point of meaninglessness to scare off or attract voters.
I'm bored to tears by this entire campaign-- Even Ms. Wolf-killer is getting to be less entertaining.
I wish it was election day tomorrow and we could just get it over with-- Hopefully send McCain back to Las Vegas and Palin back to Alaska to deal with impeachment by her own state legislature.
Also, the sooner the election, the less chance the desparate criminals in the current administration and their surrogates (McCain, et. al.) have a chance to set up some really awful occurrence to throw things their way.




Barry said...

Amen to your comments, Mike. The campaign cycles themselves, for primaries and then with the nomination, must be cut short.
Obama and supporters babble numbers, and sometimes make it seem as if easy ideas are in play. McCain and company babble numbers, and also will stoop to any level in the gutter to reverse the direction of an election.

But there is the issue of what America wants to hear. A hero of mine in politics and I've had just a few ***, is Walter Mondale. We know he said the unthinkable, that to strengthen the nation, he would have to tax; my opponent will not say this but knows he will, I have just told you (or words to that extent). Americans don't want to hear anything but magic.

*** my other political heroes; Bill Bradley, a social progressive, fiscally a bit conservative, a pragmatist; Hubert Humphrey, demonized for not leaving LBJ, it has been written that he stayed as he felt he could influence LBJ to pull from Vietnam, and he was the brains and inspiration behind much of the Great Society's initiatives in Peace Corps, civil rights......and Mondale, a decent man of high intellect, and a disciple of Humphrey.

Bugman said...

The UK has laws that prevent people from beginning their campaign before a set date.
I wonder why it's illegal to make up lies about someone and spout them out in public, yet it's the norm in politics. This seems to be the reason I hear from folks for their disgust of the process.
Last point; why is it McCain tells lies at will and when the media comments about it, they castigate the Obama campaign too? What heiness lies are being told by Barak?