Monday, October 27, 2008


My Friends (as John McCain might--and does--say over and over again)...

The area I live in (The Upper West Side of Manhattan) is so famously liberal that its nickname for a long time, was "The Upper Left Side". If McCain and his partner received one percent of the vote here it would either be machine malfunction or voter fraud.
That said, there are two very small groups up in my area that might vote for McCain...One is comprised of a couple of hundred older (average age about 80) Jews for whom Israel is everything. They just don't believe John McCain will interfere with social security or medicare etc. (though they are dead wrong) and they do believe that Obama is soft on the Palestinians and the Arabs. As far as they are concerned, the only good Arab (especially Palestinians) is one that is either gone entirely, or relocated to the moon.
These are people who lived through the Holocaust--some of them literally--some of them seeing their entire European extended families murdered... To them, Israel is everything. As I said, they don't see that McCain will ruin what little is left of their benefits and the laws that support them. And they are convinced that Obama wants to actually SPEAK these Muslim lunatics who want to have their own country! ...I guess they're right. Obama probably would speak to them. Thank God, somebody will start talking and not just shoot anybody who disagrees with this country--or its allies.
But even these people, and I know them pretty well, are wobbling on McCain because of... You Betcha! Sarah Palin. Even these old folks, with their prejudices, cannot stand that woman. She is the demented, ranting Christian of their old nightmares (and their all too real memories).
When this group considers Obama, that means that tens of thousands more like them in Florida might also be considering Obama too--and maybe for the same reason.

The other small group up where I live that might throw a thousand or so votes to McCain are the young bankers, lawyers, stockbrokers and real estate developers that have, in the last 10 years, more or less destroyed many old neighborhoods that used to thrive on The Upper West Side...
Despite all the crashing of markets, a lot of these people are still well off--even wealthy. And they smell higher taxes with Obama--maybe even (GASP!) REGULATIONS on their businesses!!!

But, aside from these two groups, thats about it for any election contemplation where I live. Its a pretty done deal. This neighborhood is the opposite of battleground state.



Lana said...

Well, Mike, I think we can stand to lose a thousand or so votes cause this election is going to be a l___d s_____e. Can't say it out loud though. There are just some people who aren't going to vote for a black man, no matter what he promises them. They just can't bring themselves to do it. And if anyone doesn't believe this is the reason many people are not voting for Obama, they are sadly mistaken.

Just think of the historic event we are (hopefully) about to be participants in. I never thought I'd live to see the day that such a thing could happen. Just the fact that Obama's gotten this far is historic in itself.

I am so excited. I can't wait for election day to cast my vote for Obama/Biden.


Barry said...

I agree with you, Lana, which is why I'm concerned about overconfidence. But I mentioned elsewhere that the economy's slide might have pushed some folks to tell their friends they are McCain but they go for Obama.....but certainly the opposite is true....we know that some will not be afraid of saying it, they will not vote for anyone of color. I heard on NPR a woman saying that the black was historically made to step off the curb to let whites go by, and now she was afraid that it was going to reverse; how's THAT for profound fear, and a life of learning one mind set......Obama is black to many and only black, and to others, he's 'too white'.

Polls turn my stomach, and they can turn elections; they are supposed to reflect thought and tendencies, nowadays they are used to create tendencies.


Lana said...

Yes, Barry, overconfidence is a huge mistake. I've heard several people on radio and TV saying Obama is a shoo-in. I nearly jumped out of my seat when I heard that. Don't they know that some people will think, 'oh, he's going to win; I don't have to vote.' That's pretty scary.

As far as some white people's perceptions of black people, it's so amazing that they can still think this crap in 2008. These people believe everything they hear on TV. They think Obama is going to put all non-black people into concentration camps and let us rot there. Brother! Grow up. We're all the same under our skin.

I too hate the polls. How in the world can they flip-flop from one hour to the next? I don't believe in them at all.

Well, I'm finished ranting for today. Nice blogging with you, Barry.

Barry said...

Lana and co bloggers (and King Blogger, Mike)......I've stated my concern with the state of elections in the country. While I support Obama AND the people surrounding him, I find it outrageous, yes obscene, that over 1/2 billion dollars was raised and spent......that's allowable, but MUST change.....he's been running for 21 months, or more, and that is absurd; in that time Repubs and Dems both have too much time to denigrate, rather than to present us with ideas....We see McCain and Palin have decided NOT to address policies, but to attack the opposition.
But today something important happened on Olberman's show, and again, just as I find Hannity vile, it bothers me that Olberman considers himself a journalist but is so blatantly biased......but this was key; the new line coming from the Repubs, fractured as they are (oh Palin is throwing McCain under the bus), is that Obama is bringing socialism to America. It's coming from Congressmen, it's coming from the key people....socialism socialism socialism.........Yet it was Palin who prided herself on distributing oil revenues with Alaskans, sending them 1200 or so, from the profits....why?...because the resources of their state belongs to ALL the people. The oil companies don't deserve all the profits, she spread it out. Her words were printed on screen, this was not an interpretation, it was Palin describing sharing the wealth in Alaska!!........Olberman chose many words to describe this, but settled on fraud.

So I am uneasy, fearful that the 'Obama has won' sentiment will bring complacency. Can you imagine this duo, Palin being described by strong McCain supporters as 'rogue' and 'whacko' and 'caring only to position herself for 2012', with John McCain, a tranformed man, one who had some dignity years ago and now willing to sell his soul to the Devil (read: Rove).
In Mike's LiberalLand, I'm sure there are many conversations invoking questions such as "if they win, would you think of moving?", asking "is it me, am I crazy, or is Palin as low a candidate as most of us have ever seen?"
What a thought that we have presented to us someone who adds some luster to Spiro Agnew and Dan Quayle.
I shutter.

Good 'talking' to you, too, lana.
